Snake Warz IO (slither, worm) complete game template | Packs | Unity Assets

Use Snake Warz IO (slither, worm) complete game template from Finalboss to elevate your next project. Find this & more Packs and templates on the Codeintra Unity Asset.

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Android APK | WebGL

Slither through a dangerous pit filled with venomous snakes and survive as long as you can! Challenge your skills and try to be the biggest snake in Snake Warz!

Snake Warz is designed with an obsession to run smoothly, offer fast performance, and feature an intuitive control system that works on all platforms at once. Snake Warz uses bots to offer the players a competitive experience. These bots are using an advanced and robust AI that gives them the ability to search for food, dodge obstacles, and trick other bots (and the player) into unwanted collisions.

This Unity game template features a complete game flow with menu, help, shop, settings, game, and result scenes. You can play the game using a mouse and virtual joystick, and it is compatible with Android, iOS, WebGL, Windows, and Mac platforms.


  • Complete game template, ready to release.
  • Six different game modes to play: Quick Play, Infinity, Boss Hunt, Ghetto, Battle Royale & (aka
  • Four in-game boosters, including "Unzoom", "Magnet", "Score Multiplier" & "Speed Boost"
  • Features an in-game skin shop where players can swap coins for skins.
  • Features an in-game booster shop where players can exchange their coins for boosters.
  • Ingame experience (XP) and leveling system.
  • Intuitive and smart control system that supports both a mouse and a virtual joystick.
  • Original arts.
  • In-game real-time leaderboard.
  • Smart AI bots that keep the games fun for hours.
  • Lag-free game-play experience.
  • 10+ skins for the snakes and 5+ skins for the pit.
  • It works on all platforms and mobile phones.
  • Clean and fully commented C# classes make it easy to extend the game.
  • Extremely easy to re-skin and re-master (adding new skins, snakes, foods, pits, etc.)

More on Game modes:

Quick Play: This is the default game mode. Everything is set on normal; foods are re-spawned when picked up, bot snakes will revive and game timer counts down from 120 seconds (default) to 0.

Infinity: There is no timer in this mode. You can play for unlimited amount of time and get as big as possible. All other setting is set to normal.

Boss Hunt: In this mode, all snakes start big. There is also no food on the pit, so every snake needs to hunt other snakes to become the final boss!

Ghetto: Foods are very scarce in “Ghetto” mode & they are not replenished as well. So, every snake needs to fight for every single food that is available.

Battle Royale: This is where you need to be the last man standing in order to win. Foods are limited and the pit is filled with snakes. You need to be every other snake and survive as the last one to achieve the #1 rank. (aka This is where size matters the most. There is no bodyparts in this mode and each snake consists of only a head. Hunting is done based on the size. Bigger snakes can eat smaller ones. AI bots logic is updated too and bots are now able to seek or flee from the snakes available in their vicinity.

Online Multiplayer: This mode is available via a separate product. Click here for more information.

For any questions, kindly send us a message at

Key Features

Surprisingly, this asset does not need any third-party plugins to work! It already has everything it needs in order to run. You just need to download the asset, import it inside Unity, and hit run. Your game is ready!

Item Details
Android Coder

Android Coder

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