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Dungeon Crawler is a game where you try to clear the dungeon using cards. When you start each game, the dungeon has a deck containing a certain number of cards. This deck can contain Monster, Potion, Gold and Food and Spell cards. Monster cards are your enemies, but other cards help you. Potion cards increase your health. Gold cards allow you to draw new cards from the deck. If you do not have enough gold, you have to draw cards by decreasing your health. Food cards are for you to make new moves. Spell cards are for you to defeat monsters more easily.
You earn gems when you win and you can buy new spells for your deck from the SHOP menu using these gems. Since the newly purchased spells will be stronger, they are more likely to be mixed into your deck in each game. This increases your chance of winning.
Desktop: Mouse
Mobile: Touch
- HTML5 game playable on all platforms (PC, Mobile, Android, iOS) – 3 files included (.c3p and all source) – Easy to Edit – Touch Controls – Fun Gameplay ∙ SoundFX ∙ Music
Included items Free ads HTML5 Game files Generate 3 source code ( .c3p )
Please don’t forget to rate if you like the game. I appreciate that very much.
Price |
Views |
Version |
8 August 2024
Last Update |
Release Date |
Category | |
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