SocialMate - Social Media Account Selling Marketplace

Discover a cutting-edge platform for seamless social media account transactions. Engage in dynamic bidding, simplify purchases.

Make Someone's Day

Make someone's day by sharing this incredible item with them!

Discover a cutting-edge platform for seamless social media account transactions. Engage in dynamic bidding, simplify purchases, and enjoy secure transactions. Effortlessly connect with social login and choose from multiple payment options. Join us for a smarter, safer, and more engaging digital experience. Get ready to experience the ultimate thrill of a social media account selling with SocialMate! Explore the following features designed to elevate your experience.

One of the benefits of using our system is that it can significantly reduce the time and cost involved in developing a custom platform from scratch. Anyone can simply purchase our system and launch their own Account Selling Marketplace in a matter of days. More important things, We ensures robust security measures such as encryption, password hashing, OTP, and Email & SMS notification, to keep users and their activity secure from hacking and cyber-attacks. Security is our main priority, and our system is protected by strong layers of security.

Demo Access:

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User’s Features:

- Premium Dashboard.
- Account Management.
- Buy and sell Mood.
- Bids Management.
- Purchase Account.
- Deposit Management.
- Deposit History.
- Withdraw Management.
- Withdraw History.
- Transaction History.
- Tickets Management.
- Profile Management.
- 2FA Security.
- Email Notifications.
- SMS Notifications.
- SEO Friendly URL.
- Blog Management.
- Social Logins.
- And More…

Backend Features:

- Buy & Sell Social Account.
- Auction System.
- Direct Purchase System.
- Social Login System.
- Dynamic KYC Management.
- Multiple Payment Option.
- Secure Transaction System.
- 25+ Automatic Payment Gateway.
- Smart Cron Job Management.
- 100% Secure Admin Dashboard.
- Automated Deposits Manager.
- Manual Deposits Manager.
- Withdrawals Manager.
- Report Manager.
- Extension Management.
- Language Management.
- Beautiful Section Manager.
- SEO Manager.
- Page Builder.
- Support Ticket Management.
- System Setting.
- System Configuration.
- Email Notification System.
- SMS Notification System.
- User’s Email & SMS verification system.
- 2FA-security system.
- Cross-browser compatibility.
- System Update Manager.
- And More….

Built for the future

Using the best, future-proof, and secure stack known to the world: Bootstrap, Laravel framework, jQuery.

What will you get along with this script?

- Full Source Code
- Project Documentation
- Full Project Database

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Item Details
Android Coder

Android Coder

14 Jan 2024
Last Update
Release Date

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