MediaCenter - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme

MediaCenter is a clean, modern, user friendly, responsive and highly customizable Wordpress Theme, built for especially for you.

Make Someone's Day

Make someone's day by sharing this incredible item with them!

MediaCenter is a clean, modern, user friendly, responsive and highly customizable Wordpress Theme, built for especially for your WooCommerce electronics store.
We have put in lots of love and effort into building this theme and we sincerely hope you will enjoy using this theme as much as we enjoyed while developing it.
Customer TestimonialsClick here | ChangeLog : Click here | How to update? –
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MediaCenter – Wordpress Theme Installation & Setup
This video explains in step-by-step to install and configure MediaCenter Wordpress Theme. Click here

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Translating MediaCenter Wordpress Theme
This video explains how to translate MediaCenter Wordpress Theme into your language. Click here
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Wishlist Functionality
Allows your visitors to add the products you’re
selling to a wishlist, so they can get back later
to make a purchase.
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Product Comparison
Product Comparison is an important feature in
any electronics store. We’ve provided this feature
with our theme with the help of YITH WooCommerce
Compare Plugin.
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An electronic item is as popular as its brand and
Brands are very important in an electronics store.
We’ve added Brands custom taxonomy to allow users
to add Brands to their products.
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Filter By Brands
Layered Filter is an important feature in WooCommerce
and we have extended its feature to allow
Brands custom taxonomy..
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Product Labels
We’ve added the feature to let you tag your products
to various custom labels in addition to the
default On Sale label.
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Item Details


11 Dec 2023
Last Update
Release Date

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